Mastering the settlement process – What every homeowner should know

Settlement day can be both exciting and stressful. If you’re planning a property purchase and are new to how settlement works, here’s a rundown.
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Escaping mortgage prison

Are you stuck in an expensive home loan and feeling trapped? There may be a way out! Here is how Smartfinn Advisors can help your mortgage prison.
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Welcome to our June Newsletter

Australia’s winter housing outlook is improving, with rising property prices and stronger market conditions. Here's a summary of what is going on in June.
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A Pre-Tax Time Checklist for Property Investors

To help you navigate the world of tax deductions, we’ve put together a pre-tax time checklist for property investors. Click here to see our list.
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What the RBA overhaul means for interest rates

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is facing a major overhaul. What does it mean for interest rates and for Australian mortgage holders? Learn more here.
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How your HECS-HELP debt affects your borrowing capacity

Do you have a HECS-HELP debt? If you're in the market to buy a property, click here to see how this year’s higher indexation could affect you.
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